lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

A Pardoner's Truth

I have some bad news for all of you strongly driven, firm believers out there. That man you trust all your intimate secrets to, never freed you from your misdoings. Quote he:

403 "For myn entente is nat but for to wynne,
For my intention is only to make a profit,
404 And nothyng for correccioun of synne.
And not at all for correction of sin."

Want to know the truth? I'm glad the pardoner's a hypocrite. Honestly... It's not like you can kill a person, then ask for forgiveness and be freed from your sins. You did something wrong? Live with it. SUCK IT UP. It was your decision in the first place.

That was a little harsh. Let me rephrase. I understand people make mistakes and all but you can't look for the easy way out. Going to some random person so he can forgive your mistakes doesn't change absolutely anything (except the fact that you leave with less money than before). The only person who really has to forgive you is yourself. Don't fool yourselves.

So, no. I don't feel bad for you at all. I'm glad someone is taking advantage of your stupidity.

You know who else I don't feel bad for?

Those three men. The ones in the Pardoner's story. You look for death, you find it. They literally looked for death, and guess what.

The man warned them:

760 ""Now, sires," quod he, "if that yow be so leef
"Now, sirs," said he, "if you are so eager
761 To fynde Deeth, turne up this croked wey,
To find Death, turn up this crooked way,
762 For in that grove I lafte hym, by my fey,
For in that grove I left him, by my faith,
763 Under a tree, and there he wole abyde;
Under a tree, and there he will wait;
764 Noght for youre boost he wole him no thyng hyde.
He will not in any way hide himself because of your boast."

Stupid men. At least they made an amusing story.

But the twist to the Pardoner's tale isn't the story he tells us. It's the double moral within the story. It's like when your parents tell you not to lie, and then you catch them doing the same. You know lying is wrong, but why listen to them if they do it too? Your parents end up losing credibility just like the Pardoner did. Really fun story, but why learn from it if it was told by a hypocrite?

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