martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Juxtaposing Couplets

"And eek I preye Jesu shorte hir lyves,
That wol nat be governed by hir WYVES."
(The Wife of Bath, Lines 405-406)

"Allas myn hertes quene, allas my WYF,
Myn hertes lady, endere of my life!"
(The Knight's Tale, Lines 1917-1918)

"An housebond shal nat been inquisitif
Of Goddes privitee, nor his WYF."
(The Miller's Tale, Lines 55-56)

"Adam our fader, and this WYF also,
For Paradys to labour and to wo."
(The Pardoner's Tale, Lines 177-178)

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