jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010


1. Old, rich and obedient men make the best of husbands.

197 "The thre were goode men, and riche, and olde;
The three were good men, and rich, and old;
198 Unnethe myghte they the statut holde
Hardly might they the statute hold (pay the debt)
199 In which that they were bounden unto me.
In which they were bound unto me."

2. Why please them if they don't please you?

211 But sith I hadde hem hoolly in myn hond,
But since I had them wholly in my hand,
212 And sith they hadde me yeven al hir lond,
And since they had me given all their land,
213 What sholde I taken keep hem for to plese,
Why should I take care to please them,
214 But it were for my profit and myn ese?
Unless it were for my profit and my pleasure?

3. Different men like different things.

257 "Thou seyst som folk desiren us for richesse,
Thou sayest some folk desire us for riches,
258 Somme for oure shap, and somme for oure fairnesse,
Some for our shape, and some for our fairness,
259 And som for she kan outher synge or daunce,
And one because she can either sing or dance,
260 And som for gentillesse and daliaunce;
And some because of noble descent and flirtatious talk;
261 Som for hir handes and hir armes smale;
Some because of their hands and their slender arms;
262 Thus goth al to the devel, by thy tale.
Thus goes all to the devil, according to you.
263 Thou seyst men may nat kepe a castel wal,
Thou sayest men may not defend a castle wall,
264 It may so longe assailled been overal.
It may so long be assailed on all sides."

4. If you are ugly, you are at great risk.

271 "And seyst it is an hard thyng for to welde
And thou sayest it is a hard thing to control
272 A thyng that no man wole, his thankes, helde.
A thing that no man will, willingly, hold."

If you wish to purchase this book, remember the author is in a pilgrimage for an unknown amount of time, so contact her editor and get "The Love Plane" at an unbelievable low price.

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