martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Litetary Terms For Ap Exam


· Original thought , spoken, or written in a laconic and memorable form

· Sutra Literature of India


· Pretentious inflated speech or writing

· Victorian writers where masters of the bombastic (ex. Democracy in America written by Alexix de Tocqueville)


· A beat or rhythm of poetry in a general sense

· Iambic pentameter


· Song expressing mourning or grief, appropriate for a funeral

· Bye and Bye by Bob Dylan


· Mournful melancholic poem, usually a funeral song that shows lament for the dead.

· Catullus Carmen 101- poem written by Catullus to his dead brother. It speaks of “mute ashes” which were the only remaining evidence of his brother’s body.


· Derogatory term for verse considered of little literary value

· Dr. Seuss

In medias res

· Narrative technique where a story begins either at midpoint or at the conclusion rather than at the beginning.

· The Odyssey, the war had been going on for seven years.


· A poem or speech expressing sorrow

· A piteous plaint by Eugene Field

Subjunctive mood

· Verb mood typically used in a subordinate clause to express a wish, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or action that has not yet occurred.

· Truth be told, Come what may, suffice to say, God save the Queen, I wish it were summer.

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